Thursday, September 22, 2011

A barriga até os 5 meses (The belly until the 5th month)

No início só eu mesma notava a "barriga de grávida"... e ficava brava quando falavam que eu ainda não tinha barriga nenhuma, rsrs. Aqui com 3 meses de gestação:

In the beginning I was the only one to notice my "pregnant belly"... and even used to get angry when told I didn't have any belly at all, lol. Here in the 3rd month:

Depois, aos 4 meses, já dava pra notar a barriguinha, apesar de alguns ainda insistirem que não dava pra notar nada... Como dizia minha amiga Evi, "só parece que você comeu muito!". Rsrsrs

Later on, in the 4th month, the little belly was noticeable, although some would insist there was nothing there... As my dear friend Evi used to say, "it only seems that you had a big brunch!". Lol

Finalmente, aos 5 meses, a barriguinha se tornou fato e eu a exibia cheia de orgulho!

Finally, in the 5th month, the belly was undoubtedly there and I proudly showed it off!

Ainda nessa fase, Laurinha viajou para o Brasil especialmente para o casamento dos primos Sara & Adrian. Foi a primeira vez que os amigos e familiares a conheceram dentro da barriga :)

At that stage, Laurinha traveled all the way to Brazil specially to attend cousins Sara & Adrian's wedding. It was the first time our families and friends over there got to meet her while in the belly :)

Já estamos com saudades de todos aí no Brasil :))))
Muitos beijinhos da Laurinha ♥ 

We already miss you all in Brazil :))))
Lots of kisses from Laurinha 

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